Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had a fun and safe Thanksgiving. Our family sure did! Everyone in Philly had a great time! My cousins, Brock and his family (wife Allyson and children Mia and Braxton), and Brian, came down from Tennessee. It was really great to see all of them. Mia and Braxton are really growing! Kids are so much fun at their age! I asked Mia what Santa was getting her for Christmas, that was a mistake... I forgot that she doesn't like Santa. She told me that Santa was not getting her anything, that she was going to write Santa a letter and tell him not to come to her house, her mom and dad can get her gifts. How cute is that? My sister and her family were there. It's always great to see my niece and nephews, Casey, Jake & Buck. They're growing up! They're not babies anymore, but they'll always be my babies!
We had so much food! My mom made the comment that we had too much food. I am so thankful for an abundance of food because there are so many out there that is not as fortunate! I hope y'all took a few minutes yesterday to thank God for what you have! I am so thankful for everything in my life, the ups and downs! Above are a few pictures of my family from yesterday. We always have fun when we get together!