Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween Night

I'm such a kid at heart when it comes to holidays, and Halloween is no exception. When I was young Halloween wasn't about witchcraft or anything about that. It was about getting candy and trying to "scare the pants off" of each other. More or less, it was all about having fun. This year was no exceptions except I couldn't scare anyone. I dressed up as a witch, or something like that. I think I scared Jimmy more than the kids... He didn't really like my getup. But it was all about having fun! My brother-in-law, Hugh, dressed as the guy on Scream (the movie), my mother-in-law was dressing in her Mardi Gras getup. Jimmy wore an orange shirt, so I guess you could say he was a pumpkin. An orange shirt was all I could get him to wear, I was lucky at that! My father-in-law was under a white sheet and he was going to scare the kids as they walked passed him. But the very first trick-or-treater was a cute little fairy (about a year old) and he just could scare her, so he ended up not scaring anyone. But we all had fun and the children had fun. I just knew that I would scare my trick-or-treaters, but somehow they knew that this was "Miss Amy" and she won't hurt anyone; they just weren't scared of me. I guess I'm going to have to change that next year....

1 comment:

allyson (lewis) lillis said...

girl, i've never seen you so...dark...i would have never recognized you! glad you made it off the plane ok! can't wait to see you guys next week!!