Tuesday, February 10, 2009

This Weekend

Had a good weekend! Friday afternoon I went to my sister's house to babysit the "wild bunch" while she and her husband went on a religious conference. We all had a good time. We played basketball, ate pizza and watched a movie. Saturday Buck went back home with me. The main thing he thought was cool was riding the Rhino. We rode to a bridge down the road from our house and looked over to see if we saw any snakes. Then we drove to a big field and I let him drive. As long he didn't hit a cow, we was good. He thought he was really cool! As you can see in the pic, the dust was getting in his eyes and he HAD to wear my sunglasses. Later that night we went to Jennifer and Jereme's house and ate with the rest of the cousins. We always have a good time when we all get together. Above is a pic of Buck driving the Rhino, and a pic of Elizabeth (my sister-in-law) and me. This weekend I was introduced to Facebook... My sister has high speed internet, I have only dial up.... But I spent about 2 hours on Facebook. Love it!! I haven't been on it since Saturday because my old computer is so slow! But, for my birthday (which is Saturday) Jimmy got me a laptop. We went to Best Buy last night and got it. So, I'm hoping my dial up will be a lot faster with this new computer so that I can maybe get on Facebook tonight and see who all I can find! I'll let y'all know!

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