Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday!

I know it's been over two weeks since my last blog, but I really have not had much of anything going on.... I hope everyone had a great weekend and a great Super Bowl Sunday. How many watched the Super Bowl? I had no intentions of watching the Super Bowl. Jimmy and I wasn't cheering for any particular team but we started watching it and ended up watching the entire game and some of the after game stuff. I'm not a big football fan (sports is not my thing....). When there is a team I'm cheering for I get so nervous, my stomach start hurting, and I end up walking away from the game and just catch the ending score. I just can't handle all of the anxiety! And it just tears me up when my team doesn't win. So I usually don't watch any of it.... But last night, since we wasn't rooting for any particular team, Jimmy and I had a good relaxing night. At one point we was rooting for the Steelers, then at another point we were rooting for the Cardinals. Then at the end, after that touchdown by Holmes, we were glad that the Steelers won. Basically it was a fight for who wanted it the most! Before the game we went to Jimmy's brother's house. We had a great time playing with Andrew, Kate and Claire. Above are a few pictures of last night. One picture is of Andrew with something on his back and Kate riding. That is called a "Daddle". It's a saddle that you but on your back. Poor Andrew, he put the Daddle on and had to give Kate a ride. Andrew is such a great big brother! Another picture is of Jimmy and Kate with a nerf gun. They were in a gun fight with Andrew (he had the other gun). Sweet little Claire is getting so big. She's crawling everywhere! Elizabeth stood her up on the side of the couch. She can stand there as long as she's holding on, but she doesn't know what to do with her feet yet. It's just a matter of time..... I hope everyone had a great weekend. Hopefully, it won't be another two weeks before I post again....

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