Friday, January 2, 2009


I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! We sure did. Christmas Eve we went to Philly to celebrate with my mom's family. We ate, played Dirty Santa, ate, shot fireworks and then ate some more! It was great! We all had such a great time playing Dirty Santa that nobody remembered to take pictures. I tried taking a few of the fireworks and everyone standing around the fire, but they didn't show up well, so I decided not to post any. But believe me, we had fun! A friend of the family brought his son to shoot fireworks. When we invited them we intended the fireworks being stuff like firecrackers, bottle rockets, roman candles.... Little stuff like that. Well, they went further than that and brought over some of the "big stuff". They were absolutely beautiful! So, we all decided for next year each family is going to bring at least one big piece of firework.
Christmas Day we woke bright and early and had breakfast and opened gifts at Jimmy's parents house. It was really fun to watch the kids, Andrew (12, but we still consider him a kid), Kate (2) and Claire (2 months). Andrew was excited but he keeps his excitement to himself. I think he really wanted to go back to bed. Claire is still a little too little to care. But this is the first year that Kate understands about the presents. She has more fun opening the presents. As you can see from some of the pictures, she really enjoyed help passing out gifts. But I think she enjoys opening the gifts more. Jimmy let her open his gifts. It was such fun the have kids in the family and enjoy them!!

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