Thursday, May 21, 2009

More of Casey

My first two years of community college I was on the dance team. Casey loved watching me practice. While I was in my second year and she was a year older she would memorize my dance moves. I would be in my room practicing and she would be right beside me dancing. It was so cute! During my second year on the dance team we wore these high heeled dance shoes; so I would practice wearing my shoes. One time "we" were practicing and she got a little too close when it was time to do kicks. Yes, I kicked her right on the head. I would almost swear she did a backward flip. After that I paid close attention to her where abouts while I was practicing.

Casey was real good about smiling for the camera when taking the candid pictures. But she WOULD NOT let you take her to Wal Mart to get her portait taken. She would cry, cry and throw a fit. One day I got her all dressed up and was determined to get her pictures taken if it took all day. This photo of she and I took two hours of coaxing before she would let the photographer take her picture. The photographer insisted that we have a picture taken together.

She wanted her hair to grow sooo bad, so she could wear it in pigtails. This was her first pigtails.
I think she's buck naked in this picture, I'm hiding her naked booty!

When brother, Jake, came everything changed. She was no longer the baby! Tomorrow I'll tell you how she helped me through one of my toughest trial.

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